The connected world that we now live in means that having a high performance and reliable network is critical. The network is one of the most important assets in any business and should be treated with the highest regard. With more and more services being automated and networks supporting cloud based software and mobile services, a robust, flexible, secure and high performing network is essential for the smooth running and delivery of operations and services.
WDSi are able to help customers understand their current wired or wireless network and map this to existing and future needs of the organisation. It may be that your company has an old network and it needs to be upgraded or reviewed or possibly it is a network that is to be expanded and assets need to be re-deployed.
WDSi network audits can help determine if the network
WDSi cover for mains areas in Network Audits
Design: Examination of the WAN and the LAN and Cable Infrastructure- Looking in detail at how the network is structured and the devices that it supports both wired, wireless and mobile. Documenting all network hardware equipment, for model/serial/physical location, status and other aspects.
Topology: The set up of how your network is currently configured to run and whether or not it is performing at comparable benchmark levels. Examining areas for bottlenecks and or poor performance based on network topology and configuration.
Current v Future: Analysis of the current network quality and speed and examine if this can be improved with existing assets. Mapping the future needs of the business to the capacity and performance of the network with recommendations for upgrade in capacity/performance/security and overall usability.